Thursday, January 21, 2016

Landscape #dogwoodweek2

It's week 2 of the 52 Week Challenge from Dogwood Photography which is a landscape.

I flew home from my annual MLK weekend trip to Florida, which always leaves me a bit melancholy.
My mom drew my attention to this gorgeous sky and it caused me to reflect on the wonder I experience
each time I "fly into the wild blue yonder". While I'll likely never get used to that huge hunk of metal lifting me up & away from my loved ones, this landscape reminds me of my blessings of great friends who are family, ability to travel, my sight,
and the hope which comes from one day's end and the beginning of another.  

Monday, January 11, 2016

Dogwood Photography 52 Challenge - Week 1

I felt inspired to give Dogwood Photography 52 challenge a try.. I'm not one for New Year's resolutions because I am constantly reflecting, rediscovering, and practicing ways to be my best self. But I also really like the satisfaction of checking things off a list. Doesn't everyone write things on a to-do list after you've done it to achieve the rush of crossing it off with a definitive line?
Also, in the past six months my blog took a real hit. I've never written regularly but this is definitely the longest I've gone in between posts so perhaps this will get me back in the groove. Stick around to see 52 weeks of quick photography and comments from yours truly. If you feel inspired, join me! Add your photos' link in the comments section and use the #dogwood52 and #dogwood52week_ (insert week number). If you're an Instagram user, I'll post there, too, at skclance.
I won't be sending weekly messages letting you know I've updated (annoying!) so if you want to follow along, just check back ... here's the first week's post and the challenge was a self-portrait (a selfie, to be specific).

I dressed up for work today! After my classroom was a chilly 52 degrees all last week, and I resorted to my warmest sweaters and double-layering of pants, I braved a skirt today -- with fleece-lined tights. 
I feel ready to meet this second week of January!
I took my self-portrait outside of room 403 - I spend more time here than my own bedroom!
Each time I finish a book for "fun," I add its cover to my door. I often find students checking out What Ms. Clancy is Reading and there are students who read along with me (I only know this from eavesdropping) which is pretty cool.